Three Saturday workshops in November, January and February. Book as many days as you want - 1, 2 or all 3. 26 November 2022, 14 January, 25 February 2023, 11am to 3.30pm

These popular day workshops explore a range of music written for women's voices, and look at ways in which we can increase our singing confidence and make a fantastic sound together. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced singer, or anything in between, t
hese harmony filled workshops are accessible, uplifting and fun.
As well as learning great songs, each workshop will look at how your voice works and how to get the most from it, and give you the opportunity to experiment with your range.
Sian has worked alongside a whole range of amazing composers and performers and will draw on her experience to share a selection of traditional and contemporary music, including songs from the USA, the Republic of Georgia and the UK.
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